Don't bring the virus home

The outbreaks of COVID-19 continue to spread worldwide and everyone should protect themselves.We must maintain our personal hygiene and keep proper distance with others.Neither get yourself infected nor become the one who spread the virus.

Please stay at home as far as possible during the outbreak.If you must go out,remember to clean and disinfect yourself when getting home. There are 12 steps to keep the virus out of your house!

1.Leave your shoes outside the door

2.Wear slippers.

3.Take off your gloves if you wear them.

4.Wash your hands.
(Refer to 20 second and 7 steps hand-washing method)

5.Take off your coat.
(Better hang outside and don’t flap)

6.Take off your mask.
(Don’t touch the outside of the mask)

7.Take off the glasses and wash hands again.
(Dont’t forget to wash the glasses)

8.Wash your face.
(Mind to keep your eyes closed)

9.Wash your nasal cavity.

10.Rinse your mouth.

11.Wash your hair if been out for long.

12.Take a shower if been out for long.

Source:Fairchild Radio


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