Mindful Dating In The Time Of Coronavirus

Social distancing and quarantines may be a new part of your daily life, but that doesn’t mean that dating and finding a dreamy partner has to come to a screeching halt. 

Yes, the dating landscape has changed, but I am a believer that there is someone out there in the world searching for you as we speak. The only question for you is,  are you going to help them find you?

If your answer is yes, then I would like to give you my best tips on how to do this in the safest, most mindful way possible that is still socially responsible and suitable in these challenging times. 

  • Make sure your mind and body are ok to date 

The first thing you need to do is make sure to take inventory of your body and state of mind. This pandemic is a shock to the system for everyone, so it’s totally ok if you are not feeling your best. If you’re not sleeping or are having trouble staying calm or focused that could mean your mind is telling you something. 

Dating while feeling constantly stressed or with deeply rooted fears running through your mind can be tough. If you’re not feeling your best self, you don’t have to dive headfirst into this current dating world. Not only will you have trouble attracting partners, but you could also end up making dating choices that you will later regret. it can also add to your stress rather. If you need help do not hesitate to call a mental health professional or coach to support you through this time.  

  • Update your online profile 

Times have changed, and you may have changed a little too. It might be a great time to relook at your online profile and update it a little. Maybe some fun new pics of you at home are in order or tweaking the bio a little. It’s cool to have fun with these as long as they are in good taste. 

This will not only show prospective partners your playful side, but also give you and them a break from the constant barrage of doom and gloom that we hear each day. Maybe one of the pics shows a new hobby you picked up while practicing social distancing at home. Or maybe in the bio you write about all the things you will do when you get released from your mandatory staycation. 

  • Experiment with virtual dating activities 

Online dating sites remain great places to meet other singles as this digital connection allows you to communicate with others, while there is no physical contact. In-person online dating alternatives like Zoom.com meetups and virtual speed dating are also popping up. 

These virtual dating gatherings are wonderful opportunities to communicate with others without leaving the comfort of your own living room. It also allows you to keep your dating skills sharp. Remember the era of social distancing will end one day and you want to be ready when it does!  

  • Create a social distancing date 

Get innovative online. Do the same thing together you would on a normal first date, but in your own separate places online. For example, you both order or make the same meal and Skype, Zoom or Facetime the meal together. You can even still Netflix and chill with the Netflix Party feature. 

There are also online activities you could do together. How about board games you play online or watch an animal cam together.  There are so many online options to enjoy together if you get creative and not settle for text or phone calls as your only interaction. 

  • Be patient about meeting in person 

I don’t recommend that you meet in person. This provides a unique opportunity to get to know a person in a different and deeper way than usual before your first actual date. It is a responsible choice in this time to resist the temptation of meeting and instead let the anticipation build. When you do finally get a chance to meet, it will be worth the wait! Let some good, old fashioned romance brew. 

And please remember  – no matter how much you trust this person, do not kiss, have sex or plan any intimate touching until the CDC and the government lets you know that the coast is clear to resume those activities. 

As human beings, we require connection to keep happy and healthy. Because we don’t know how long this new normal will last, please make sure you take mindful steps to keep your human interactions going strong. Sure, there may be a learning curve here, but if you have the will, and are armed with the right dating tools, you will be able to look back on this time without regret. And if you need support in any of these areas, please reach out. 


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