Love Actually
1. It's my favorite time of day,driving you. It's my saddest time of day,leaving you.
2. Let`s go the shit kiched out of us by love.
3. Seems to me that love is everywhere.If you look for it ,l`ve got a sneaky feeling you`llfind that love actually is all around.I think about you all the time,actually.I just want you for my own.Make my wish come true.All I want for Christmas is you.
4. You`ve got nothing to lose,and you`ll always regret it if you don`t.
5. Worse than the total agony of being in love?
6. And to be honest,despite all my... complaining, we have had a wonderful life.
7. All I want in Christmas, is you.
8. I should have told her every day because she was perfect every day.
9. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
10. Beautiful Aurelia...I've come here with a view to asking marriage me.I know I seems an insane person because I hardly knows you,but sometimes things are so transparency,they don't need evidential proof.
11. You have two stamps. One red, one green. I have chance to go New York.
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