Fate under the stars

One of my best chilhood memories with siblings was spending many wonderful nights gazing at the sky.

We enjoyed the view of the amazing gathering of bright celestial objects above.

When everybody's settled and ready, the search for the brightest and biggest star began.

As we looked up towards its horizon, before even we could find the brightest and the biggest, we began noticing patterns among them.

It made us believe that there is a universe out there. The universe has been perfectly arranging and putting them together.

One starry night that I could never forget, I was sitting beside the window, when I saw a shooting star.

It was a fascinating sight!

They say, dreams come true when you wish upon seeing it falling. I made a wish.

Many years later, that wish came true when I walked on the stage, wearing my toga and holding my diploma .

As I continue my journey to search the meaning of life, these stars continue to brighten my path.

Little did I know, at the other side of this planet, one restless soul has been also led by these celestial bodies.

We are two different individuals yet amazingly have the same heart desires.

 All this time, it is the star that has been guiding us along to finally meet each other.

Today, is the day that a star has risen in our hearts.

Today, we promise that...

We are going to be heirs together of this gracious gift of life.


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